In Salzkammergut (Austria) many bikers will participate in one of the most challenging marathons in mountain biking. Two of our members – Janka Madarasz and Ján Gološinec – will take part in this competition. Janka should be taking a 120km run (incline over 3800m), however, her participation is still uncertain, as she was injured not one week ago (had her rib broken and pelvis injured). Janka won the “Salzka” competition last year in her category and this year she intended to achieve the same. She has been preparing for this goal; however her injury has caused a postponement. We are unable to say how quickly she will recover, but we do hope she will be able to take part in this competition. We have, nevertheless, reconsidered the “win” goal and changed it to “do as good as possible”.
Janko Gološinec will take part in this competition for the first time. He will do the most difficult and longest track (over 211km) with incline over 7000m. This track is a legend of challenge and leads through Austrian Alps in a beautiful surroundings of Hallstat – Dachstain – Salzkammergut, all parts of UNESCO heritage. It is the hardest one-day MTB marathon in Europe (probably also in the World).
Janko is a well-known outdoor athlete and a passionate biker, fully capable of accomplishing the competition – which is his goal. The track is divided into several parts which the participants are supposed to accomplish within certain time limit, in order to proceed. Janko has been preparing for this goal since the last September. This was going very well, until he had to change his job and do shifts. This has, naturally, collided with his harmonogram and bio-schedule. Since then we had to restrain from the consistent preparation and have been struggling finding a way of combining the job issues with such demanding competition preparation. We do trust, though, that we will beat the complications and successfully achieve our goals.