If you really want it, go for it!
For most of us there are plenty of reasons why not to do any sport. May it be bad weather, too expensive equipment or admission fees, or lack of time. However, I´ve got some good news for you - it all depends on you, your discipline, your decisions, on how determined and persistent you are. It´s not enough to think or talk - you´ve got to act! That is the only way how to exceed your limits and stand out of your own shadow.
We´re here to help you so we have decided to offer you an opportunity. It´s up to you whether you´ll take it or not.
We offer you a complete assistance in creating your own training plan, which will be updated monthly, based on constant interactive communication.
The regular cost of this programme is 130€ per month, but for all of you who really want to and might not be able to afford it, we bring this option - you won´t have to pay for this service, as long as you become our registered athlete (you will be able to register on our website www.partofheart.eu shrortly) and under the name of our company participate on at least 6 competitions (no matter what sport or type of competition). We are giving you this opportunity to show that you really know what you want.
If we see your effort (send us an email to partofheart@partofheart.eu with your results containing your name and the name of our company) and we will be happy to help you on your journey and progress.